Work Area: Law Firm Management

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International directory

Make sure that your firm’s details are always accessible to trademark practitioners and brand owners worldwide.

04 September 2008

The future of attorneys’ fees awards in US counterfeiting cases

In late 2007 the Ninth Circuit refused to award attorneys’ fees in a counterfeiting case on the basis that the plaintiff had chosen to receive statutory rather than actual damages. This decision departed from precedent and worried brand owners

04 September 2008

Best practice in devising a litigation strategy

Infringement is, unfortunately, often an unavoidable fact of life for brand owners. Putting in place the most appropriate litigation strategies can help to lessen the pain

30 April 2008

The trademark experts

WTRspoke to a number of leading practitioners in theUnited States to find out who they rated as beingamong the best in the trademark law business. Here arethe names that were mentioned most

10 July 2007

Prosper or perish

General practice law firms are increasingly seeking tomuscle out the IP boutiques, while clients become evermore demanding. Yes, the trademark services marketin the United States is as tough as ever

10 July 2007

The European name game

The blurring of traditional distinctions betweentrademark attorneys and lawyers in Europe meansfinding the right person for the job can be aconfusing task. The situation is not helped by thenomenclature that different professionals use

20 March 2007

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