Work Area: Law Firm Management

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Outcry over My Powerful Network user agreement: INTA responds

The outcry over INTA’s new professional network’s user agreement was “a bit of a surprise”, the association has told WTR. Members of the trademark community have assembled on a LinkedIn discussion to express concern over the terms of service, especially those concerning content ownership. Reacting to the uproar, INTA said: “The terms and conditions stated in our user agreement can be found in a similar fashion on all major social networking sites, including LinkedIn.”

27 January 2011

INTA under fire for ditching popular Trademark Topics email service

Just days after launching an online networking platform dedicated to the trademark community, INTA is under fire for canning its popular email discussion service TM Topics.

11 January 2011

Talking trademarks: will practitioners embrace INTA's new social platform?

INTA is hoping to host leading trademark discussion and encourage increased strategic networking on its new website. Trademark professionals already rely on INTA as a nexus for the community in the real world through committee memberships and regular meetings. Will members connect with each other through INTA's website too?

07 January 2011

Identifying the world’s leading trademark firms and practitioners

The World Trademark Review 1000 will presentexhaustive rankings of the leading law firms,attorney firms and individual practitioners offeringhigh-level trademark advice in more than 50jurisdictions. In this exclusive preview, we reveal themost cited firms in terms of the number of officesand individual practitioners identifiedas leaders in the field across the globe

05 January 2011

The trademark triangle: the tension between owners, firms and service providers

Thanks to elaborate brand-building strategies, thetrademark service provider sector is booming. Someinsiders even suggest that it now competes on anequal footing with the legal profession. WTR charts theevolution of this market and considers how its futuremay unfold

05 January 2011

Albihns.Zacco's expulsion from SEPAF highlights merger challenges

Albihns.Zacco AB has been expelled from the Association of Swedish Intellectual Property Law Firms (SEPAF) for breach of the organisation’s ethical rules. The decision highlights some of the issues that can arise from IP firm mergers.

12 November 2010

The smart lawyers are plotting how to guide clients through the gTLD chaos

While attorneys calculate how to reform their domain name services in light of the forthcoming gTLD expansion, Hogan Lovells has proved itself ahead of the curve by gaining ICANN accreditation as a domain name registrar. Ladas & Parry established its own ICANN-accredited registrar in 2001 with Ladas Domains; in contrast, the Hogan Lovells registrar function will be run from within the firm's standalone domain name practice for trademark owners. With the world's only such practice, Hogan Lovells has an even sharper edge: it will be able to service key clients better during the sunrise periods of the new domain name spaces.

12 October 2010

Are trademark owners served best by large firms or small firms?

Of course, the answer might be: "a firm somewhere in between". Or probably: "it depends". Or even: "it doesn't matter - the expertise of the individual is what counts”. After all, the market for trademark legal services is deeply complex, with clients requiring specific legal expertise and broad business strategy at the same time. Not content with asking the question, WTR has set about identifying the brightest individuals and the strongest firms from around the world, those who can boast the attributes clients demand - and we want your help.

08 July 2010

Creating a global approach

While litigation is usually regarded as a lastresort in the event of infringement,sometimes it is difficult to avoid. In suchcases it is important to ensure that youhave the right strategy in place –particularly when the infringement has across-border dimension. Nowadays, whenproblems can arise in many corners of theworld, the need to think ahead andunderstand how systems work in differentcountries is greater than ever.

04 May 2010

A foot in the door Getting trademarks on the corporate agenda

As the world’s only magazine dedicated to trademarklaw and practice, WTR is uniquely positioned to takethe pulse of the industry. Our second annual GlobalTrademark Survey illuminates exactly wheretrademarks stand in the corporate structure

04 May 2010

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