Survey Research

The good, the bad and the stubborn: study highlights challenge posed by attitudes towards fake goods

The EUIPO has released new research into attitudes to piracy and counterfeiting among young consumers. The research, which comes in at 248 pages, contains a wealth of information – but not all of it is easy reading for those tasked with winning over hearts and minds in the fight against counterfeit goods.

07 April 2016

Study suggests that litigation does have payback for brands in the fight against online fakes

New research has suggested that those companies actively engaged in litigation and enforcement against counterfeit sellers are receiving a tangible payback for their efforts.

19 November 2014

Study reveals perception challenge facing trademarks

American companies value trademarks more than other types of intellectual property, according to a major study published last week. While a welcome development for trademark professionals, on closer inspection the statistics reveal a more concerning picture, with the businesses surveyed not rating the importance of trademarks, or other forms of IP, particularly highly at all.

29 February 2012

Exclusive survey reveals state of play for trademarks

A unique survey conducted by WTR's editorial team has pinpointed exactly how the financial crisis is affecting the trademark sector. Slicing through the reports of filing slowdowns and budget cuts, the WTR Global Trademark Survey 2009 reveals the survival tactics that every trademark professional needs to know.

19 May 2009

Survey reveals public misconceptions regarding counterfeiting

A survey commissioned by the Brazil-US Business Council has revealed that the majority of the public has misconceptions regarding the effects of counterfeiting on the economy. People buy counterfeit goods fully aware that they are illicit and mean losses in tax revenues. However, the public also believes that the production of counterfeits creates jobs in poorer countries without hurting the mark owners.

22 July 2005

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