Survey Research

Budget and infringement challenges are set to intensify, trademark leaders warn

Senior brand professionals in the corporate and law firm environment are bracing themselves for an uptick in infringement and an increasingly challenging brand protection environment, new data from WTR reveals.

27 May 2021

Investment uncertainty and increasing workloads set to heap pressure on teams: exclusive data

Trademark industry leaders expect workloads to continue their upward trajectory over the coming months, but headcounts remain static and concerns over budgets persist, exclusive research from WTR reveals.

26 May 2021

Doing more with less: the new sustained reality facing corporate trademark professionals

The Long Read: This year’s Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey reveals how stretched budgets at in-house trademark departments have hit law firm relationships – and how the covid-19 pandemic has shaped corporate brand strategies for most IP professionals.

20 May 2021

Trademark operations benchmarking 2021 (law firm practice)

Featured in Community insights

This year’s law firm results reveal the impact of the pandemic on trademark operations and which aspects have changed forever.

13 May 2021

Study reveals escalating email and brand impersonation attacks, highlights training and awareness gaps

New survey-based research from email security and cyber resilience company Mimecast has revealed the escalating nature of email, phishing and brand impersonation attacks during the covid-19 pandemic. 

22 April 2021

New data reveals tactics and trade routes taken by counterfeiters using maritime containers

New research has revealed that more than half of the total value of counterfeit goods seized around the world are shipped by sea.

24 February 2021

Study reveals the commercial cost of C-suite apathy towards trademark function

New research from Clarivate has revealed the commercial impact of low C-suite engagement with the trademark function. 

18 February 2021

Recalibrating the work-life balance will be one of the biggest challenges facing trademark professionals in 2021 (and beyond)

In our latest opinion column we reflect on the findings of the latest WTR Trademark Elite Expert Panel report.

30 January 2021

Trademark leaders expect increased consumer engagement with brands, creating an anti-counterfeiting opportunity

Trademark industry leaders expect more favourable consumer interaction with brands in the coming six months, reveals the second WTR Trademark Elite Expert Panel report.

28 January 2021

Workloads are on the increase, concerns remain over trademark team resourcing: exclusive research

The second WTR Trademark Elite Expert Panel report reveals the workload and headcount expectations of corporate and law firm leaders – with a mixed outlook highlighting a number of challenges for brand-focused teams.

27 January 2021

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