Survey Research

Trademark operations benchmarking 2018

Featured in Community insights

More than a quarter of corporate trademark teams are predicting budget increases in the next 12 months. However, despite rising levels of work being outsourced to law firm partners, pessimism over the future is growing among private practice professionals.

01 May 2018

In-house counsel seek more support from law firms, exclusive survey reveals

This year’s Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey reveals that in-house trademark counsel are increasingly looking for outside support thanks to a rise in flexible pricing and higher standards of work.

09 April 2018

Majority of suspected online infringers re-register popular domain names, according to new study

A new report from the EU Intellectual Property Office has revealed that the phenomenon of e-shops marketing infringing goods via previously used brand-related domain names – as observed in Denmark – is also occurring in Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain. Worryingly, the study claims that it is occurring to a higher degree than expected.

25 October 2017

Survey reveals few indie game developers seek trademark protection; law firms urged to show door is open

A poll conducted by World Trademark Review at gaming conference EGX Rezzed last week suggests only a small percentage of independent video game developers consider registered trademark protection during the process of releasing a game. While various reasons were stated, one repeatedly brought up was the daunting prospect of approaching a law firm, with a more bespoke approach suggested in a bid to benefit both communities.

06 April 2017

New study reveals young EU citizens buying more counterfeits, becoming less convinced fakes are damaging

A new study into the way EU citizens perceive IP rights has revealed a widespread and growing respect for IP across Europe. However, the figures in relation to young people (aged between 15 and 24) make for less positive reading, highlighting a worrying increase in the intentional purchasing of counterfeit goods and a growing acceptability of fakes.

24 March 2017

Exclusive survey reveals IACC member sentiment: broadly positive but concerns linger over transparency

An exclusive survey, conducted in the past fortnight by World Trademark Review, has revealed that members of the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition have a mostly positive opinion about the organisation and its trajectory. But while its programmes were rated highly by survey respondents – especially in regards to training and lobbying efforts – concern was expressed around the organisation’s leadership and a perceived lack of transparency.

21 March 2017

Analysing phish: new study reveals phishers are shifting their sights to new gTLDs and the cloud

A study by cybersecurity firm PhishLabs indicates that the volume of phishing attacks grew by almost one-third last year, with cloud storage brands set to overtake financial services as the top targets. Researchers also found that phishing perpetrators are increasingly turning to new gTLDs to dupe internet users.

20 February 2017

Consumers know counterfeits are unethical but enjoy “thrill of the hunt” when shopping for fakes, study finds

A psychological study into the thought process of Chinese consumers who purchase counterfeit goods has revealed some startling motivations which dictate counterfeit consumption. An author of the study has told World Trademark Review the revelations should call into question the effectiveness of anti-counterfeiting awareness campaigns which focus on moral arguments against buying fakes.

26 January 2017

Keep it simple, stupid: study reveals how simplicity boosts customer affinity and economic performance

New research from brand consultancy Siegel+Gale has analysed nearly 900 brands to create a ranking of those which succeed due to brand promise simplicity. However, achieving simplicity remains an uphill battle.

25 January 2017

Study reveals the prevalence of fake luxury goods on Instagram, and the evolving tactics of counterfeiters

New research has found that 20% of Instagram posts about luxury fashion brands featured counterfeit or illicit products. The report calls for a comprehensive international strategy to fight the prevalence of fake goods online, but the usual roadblocks remain, meaning that the status quo will not change any time soon.

09 June 2016

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