Data Feeds



The Crypto data feed is a stream of security trades and quotes delivered to your trading algorithm during live execution. Live data feeds enable you to make real-time trades and update the value of the securities in your portfolio.


The Crypto data feed uses WebSockets to gather market data from the following sources:

  • Binance & Binance US
  • Bitfinex
  • Coinbase
  • Kraken

Universe Selection

The Crypto data feeds enable you to create a dynamic universe of securities. The live data for Crypto universe selection arrives at 4 PM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), so universe selection runs for live algorithms between 4 PM and 4:30 PM. Don't schedule anything for midnight because the universe selection data isn't ready yet.

AddUniverse(CryptoCoarseFundamentalUniverse(Market.Bitfinex, UniverseSettings, UniverseSelectionFilter));
self.AddUniverse(CryptoCoarseFundamentalUniverse(Market.Bitfinex, self.UniverseSettings, self.UniverseSelectionFilter))

To view an example for each Crypto market, see the Universe Selection section of the Crypto market in the Dataset Market.

Bar Building

We aggregate ticks to build bars.

In live trading, bars are built using the exchange timestamps with microsecond accuracy. This microsecond-by-microsecond processing of the ticks can mean that the individual bars between live trading and backtesting can have slightly different ticks. As a result, it's possible for a tick to be counted in different bars between backtesting and live trading, which can lead to bars having slightly different open, high, low, close, and volume values.


Most live trading algorithms run on co-located servers racked in Equinix. Co-location reduces several factors that can interfere with your algorithm, including downtime from internet outages, equipment repairs, and natural disasters.

Live data takes time to travel from the source to your algorithm. The Crypto data feed has a latency of 20-50 milliseconds. QuantConnect is not designed for high-frequency trading.

Historical Data

When you request historical data or run warm-up, the amount of historical data you can access depends on the resolution of your data subscriptions. The following table shows the amount of trailing historical data you can access for each data resolution:

ResolutionAvailable History
DailyAll historical data
HourAll historical data
Minute1 year
Second2 months
Tick1 month


The Crypto data feed is free.

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