Brokerage Data Feeds



Zerodha was founded by Nithin Kamath in 2010 with the goal to break all barriers that traders and investors face in India in terms of cost, support, and technology. Zerodha provides access to India Equities for clients in India with no minimum balance required. Zerodha also provides a mutual fund investment platform and an interactive portfolio dashboard.

The Zerodha data feed streams live asset prices from Zerodha. If you use this data feed and request historical data, the historical data comes from Zerodha.


The Zerodha data feed comes directly from Zerodha. For more information about the data source, see the Kite Connect API documentation.

If you use the Zerodha data feed, Zerodha only provides the security price data. We provide the following auxiliary datasets from the Dataset Market:

Universe Selection

Universe selection isn't available with the Zerodha data feed.

Bar Building

The data feed consolidates prices and quotes across all of the Indian exchanges.

Alternative Data

Brokerage data feeds support most alternative data feeds, except feeds that stream real-time intraday data. Streaming data feeds, like the Tiingo News Feed and Benzinga News Feed, require the QuantConnect data feed.


The Zerodha data feed costs ₹2000/month for retail users. To view the latest prices, see the What are the charges for KITE APIs? page on the Zerodha website.

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