Brokerage Data Feeds



Tradier was founded by Dan Raju, Peter Laptewicz, Jason Barry, Jeyashree Chidambaram, and Steve Agalloco in 2012 with the goal to "deliver a choice of low-cost, high-value brokerage services to traders". Tradier provides access to trading Equities and Options for clients in over 250 countries and territories with no minimum deposit for cash accounts. Tradier also delivers custody, clearing, execution, and billing on behalf of registered advisors.

The Tradier data feeds are streams of Equity and Option prices directly from Tradier. If you use this data feed and request historical data, the historical data comes from Tradier. If you deploy to the demo environment, Tradier doesn't offer streaming market data due to exchange restrictions related to delayed data, so you must use our data feed.


The Tradier data feed comes directly from Tradier. For more information about the data source, see the Tradier API documentation.

If you use the Tradier data feed, Tradier only provides the security price data. We provide the following auxiliary datasets from the Dataset Market:

Universe Selection

Universe selection is available with the Tradier data feed.

AddUniverse(CoarseUniverseSelection, FineUniverseSelection);
self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseUniverseSelection, self.FineUniverseSelection)

Bar Building

The data feed is a stream of asset prices collected by WebSockets and distributed to algorithms on the platform.

Alternative Data

Brokerage data feeds support most alternative data feeds, except feeds that stream real-time intraday data. Streaming data feeds, like the Tiingo News Feed and Benzinga News Feed, require the QuantConnect data feed.


The Tradier data feed is free for Tradier subscription accounts. If you have a free Tradier account, you may have to pay inactivity and maintenance fees. If you have less than $2,000 in total account value and less than 2 executed trades in 1 year, the inactivity fee is $50. If you have less than 2 executed trades per month, the international account monthly maintenance fee is $20. To view the latest prices, see the Pricing page on the Tradier website.

You can also see our Videos. You can also get in touch with us via Discord.

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